Sunday, July 7, 2013

Project #14


  1. The blogs should be set up separately from this learning plan. Before this learning plan is undertaken.

    Write about everything they have learned? Too much. Provide bite size (or at least a limited ) set of questions to address. You can repeat that several times.

    Do't make presumptions like "They should know how to count to 120 by now."

    Make centers? I don't understand.

    Why present to the whole class. That seems tedious to me.

    Presentation day. What is being presented? How will you make in interesting to the audience?

    Good idea or it should be done?

    What about assessment? Is a rubric necessary? If so you have to fill in how you would evaluate at the four levels you have identified.

    You have some good ideas. Unfortunately too many of them are stuffed into one lesson plan. Separate them into doable units.

    You have much left to be done for the lesson plan to work.

  2. Amber,
    I felt like you were committed to finding a way to make counting less "tedious" and "boring" as most kids find it, but as Dr. Strange pointed out, there are some holes in your plan. But don't fear! This is the early stages. Be thinking about the flaws Dr. Strange pointed out when you get to your next class's assignment to create lesson plans and his advice will help you a lot.
